Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my little spot of the internet. My name is Janan. I am a wife, mom, and crafter. Crafting and creating have always been relaxing outlets for me. I love to come up with fun ways to incorporate old with new in every day life.
Fun Facts About Me:
I love The Office. I have seen every episode more than I can count.
I am a night owl that aspires to be an early bird, but thinks worms are gross.
I try my best to life an unfiltered, authentic, Jesus loving life.
I have an obsession with yarn…I just love it.
Life wouldn’t be complete without chocolate.
Christmas is my absolute FAVORITE holiday!
Meet the Fam:
The Beard- He has been my fella for almost 15 years. I totally married up. He is the most dedicated, hardworking, God-fearing man I have ever met. And he has a cute butt…so winning!
The Fluff- My oldest gets his name from the amazing head of hair he has had since birth. He is my side-kick, my buddy, the one who made me a mommy.
Red- Now he came into this world loud and proud. He gives the best hugs, feels everything intensely, loves fiercely, and makes my heart smile.
Sissy- Our first girl. She is one who knows what she likes and isn’t swayed by much. She is determined, bright, and will change the world.
Brownie- She is sassy, spunky, and doesn’t care who knows it. (I have know idea where she got that from…cough cough)
Sweet Cheeks- Oh my precious girl…she has always had cheeks for weeks. She is easy going, hilarious, and so selfless.
Gingersnap- She gets that name honestly. She is the most like her daddy. She is determined, introverted, and oh so lovable. Sigh…
Little Squish- She is was our surprise baby after moving away from our Hoosier home state . She is the light of our house, an entertainer at heart, and so squeezable. <3
Duke Silver- He is our spunky Australian Shepherd who wins everyone over with his smooth jazz. (I’m also a huge Parks and Rec fan…if you couldn’t tell )